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TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Header

TOPPS UEFA Club Competitions Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game

Kurz nach der Europameisterschaft richtet Topps bereits wieder den Blick in Richtung europäische Klubwettbewerbe der Saison 2024/25. Mit den TOPPS UEFA Club Competitions Match Attax 2024/25 Cards erwartet die Sammler zur neuen Saison ein Feuerwerk an exklusiven Cards.


Der August ist nicht nur der Monat, in dem die meisten der europäischen Ligen den Spielbetrieb zur Saison 2024/25 aufnehmen, sondern auch der Zeitpunkt, in dem die Match Attax Cards zu den drei großen europäischen Klubwettbewerben (UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Conference League) den Handel erreichen.

Zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt ist noch nicht viel über die neue TOPPS UEFA Club Competitions Match Attax 2024/25 Cards Kollektion bekannt, mit Erscheinen neuer Infos wird dieser Artikel nach und nach weiter vervollständigt.

Auf folgende neue Kategorien könnten sich Sammler aber bereits jetzt freuen: Gold Edge Edition Cards, die optisch stark an die Golden Glory Cards der Europameisterschaftskollektion erinnern, Hall of Fame Cards, mit einigen der größten Legenden der europäischen Klubwettbewebe oder die Generation Now und Classic Celebration Cards, die als Bonus exklusiv in den Eco- und Mega Multipacks zu finden sein werden.

Den Auftakt in die Kollektion machen aber, knapp einen Monat vor dem offiziellen Erscheinungstermin der Kollektion, die 1st Edition Multipacks, die eine erste Vorschau auf einige Cards aus der neuen Kollektion bieten. Wie in den Vorjahren, kann mit den 1st Edition Cards bereits die erste Parallel Variante mit speziellem 1st Edition Logo aus den Packs gezogen werden. Zudem gibt es mit den Immortal Icons wieder eine Kartenkategorie, deren 9 Cards nur in jedem vierten dieser 1st Edition Multipacks enthalten und daher entsprechend schwer zu komplettieren sind.

Mit weiteren Kategorien, wie den UCL 2023/24 Team of the Season oder den Final Report Cards, die ebenfalls nur in diesen 1st Edition Multipacks zu finden sind, wertet Topps das Produkt deutlich auf und macht es quasi zu einer Art Pflichtkauf für alle, die diese neuen Kategorien komplettieren wollen.

Während die bisher aufgetauchten Cards der neuen Kollektion optisch zu begeistern wissen, sieht es beim Preis für die Produkte hingegen etwas anders aus. Nachdem Topps die Match Attax Cards zur letzten Saison bereits deutlich im Preis erhöht hatte, geht es jetzt pro Booster Pack nochmal um 50 ct nach oben, so dass die Marke von 3,00 € pro Pack mit 12 Cards erreicht wird. Dementsprechend steigen auch die weiteren Produkte der Kollektion im Preis oder enthalten alternativ weniger Cards als in der Vorsaison.

Erscheinen sollen die Topps Match Attax 2024/25 Cards zu den europäischen Klubwettbewerben am Donnerstag, den 29. August 2024. Kurzfristige Verschiebungen dieses Termins sind jederzeit möglich und sollten einkalkuliert werden. Das 1st Edition Multipack, mit den ersten Cards der neuen Kollektion, bietet Topps bereits ab Freitag, dem 26. Juli 2024 über den hauseigenen Online Shop an.


TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - 1st edition Multipack

1st Edition Multipack

Chance auf eine Immortal Icon Card in jedem 4. 1st Edition Multipack (1:4). Die Immortal Icon Card ersetzt in dem Fall eine der 1st Edition Base Cards.

  • 2 Booster Packs mit je 12 Trading Cards
  • 1 1st Edtion Booster Pack mit 7 Trading Cards inkl.
    • 4 1st Edition Base Cards
    • 1 1st Edition Foil Card
    • 1 1st Edition Rainbow Foil Card
    • 1 1st Edition Limited Edition Card

EAN: 5053307071582
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 6,99 € / £6.99

Suchen auf: .de  |

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Starterpack DE


  • Sammelmappe
  • Sammlermagazin
  • Gameboard
  • 2 Booster Packs mit je 12 Trading Cards
  • 1 Booster Pack mit 7 Trading Cards inkl.
    • 1 Welcome Card
    • 1 Taktik Card
    • 2 Limited Edition Cards
    • 1 App Rewards Card
    • 2 weitere Cards

EAN: 5053307071643
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 9,99 € / £9.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Booster Pack

Booster Pack

  • 12 Trading Cards

EAN: 5053307071612
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 3,00 € / £3.00

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Display Box

Display Box

  • 24 Booster Packs mit je 12 Trading Cards

EAN: 5053307071636
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 72,00 € / £72.00

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Eco-Pack

Eco Pack

  • 3 Booster Packs mit je 12 Trading Cards
  • 2 zufällige Limited Edition Cards
  • 1 exklusive Classic Celebration Card

EAN: 5053307071650
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 8,99 € / £8.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Mega Multipack


  • 4 Booster Packs mit je 12 Trading Cards
  • 3 zufällige Limited Edition Cards
  • 1 exklusive Generation Now Card

EAN: 5053307071667
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 11,99 € / £11.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Exclusive Mega Multipack

Exclusive Mega-Multipack

Chance auf eine Power Play Limited Edition Card (1:4)

  • 4 Booster Packs mit je 12 Trading Cards
  • 3 zufällige Limited Edition Cards
  • 1 exklusive Generation Now Card

EAN: 5053307071674
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 11,99 € / £11.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - The Entertainers Booster Tin #1

The Entertainers Mini Tin #1 – Magicians

Chance auf eine Relic Card in jeder 28. Tin (1:28)

  • 28 Trading Cards
  • 3 exklusive Limited Edition Cards

EAN: 5053307071728
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 9,99 € / £9.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - The Entertainers Booster Tin #2

The Entertainers Mini Tin #2 – Heroes

Chance auf eine Relic Card in jeder 28. Tin (1:28)

  • 28 Trading Cards
  • 3 exclusive Flash Foward Limited Edition Cards

EAN: 5053307071728
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 9,99 € / £9.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - The Entertainers Booster Tin #3

The Entertainers Mini Tin #3 – Showmen

Chance auf eine Relic Card in jeder 28. Tin (1:28)

  • 28 Trading Cards
  • 3 exclusive Flash Foward Limited Edition Cards

EAN: 5053307071728
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 9,99 € / £9.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - The Entertainers Booster Tin #4

The Entertainers Mini Tin #4 – Masters

Chance auf eine Relic Card in jeder 28. Tin (1:28)

  • 28 Trading Cards
  • 3 exclusive Flash Foward Limited Edition Cards

EAN: 5053307071728
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 9,99 € / £9.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Time to Shine Mega Tin #1

Time to Shine Mega-Tin #1

Chance auf eine Relic Card in jeder 28. Tin (1:28)

  • 44 Trading Cards
  • 4 exclusive Limited Edition Cards

EAN: 5053307071735
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 14,99 € / £14.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Time to Shine Mega Tin #2

Time to Shine Mega-Tin #2

Chance auf eine Relic Card in jeder 28. Tin (1:28)

  • 44 Trading Cards
  • 4 exclusive Limited Edition Cards

EAN: 5053307071735
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 14,99 € / £14.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Time to Shine Mega Tin #3

Time to Shine Mega-Tin #3

Chance auf eine Relic Card in jeder 28. Tin (1:28)

  • 44 Trading Cards
  • 4 exclusive Limited Edition Cards

EAN: 5053307071735
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 14,99 € / £14.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Time to Shine Mega Tin #4

Time to Shine Mega-Tin #4

Chance auf eine Relic Card in jeder 28. Tin (1:28)

  • 44 Trading Cards
  • 4 exclusive Limited Edition Cards

EAN: 5053307071735
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 14,99 € / £14.99

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Countdown Calendar

Countdown Calendar

  • 121 Trading Cards inkl.
    • 24 exclusive Festive Edition Squadzone Cards
    • 1 Gold Edge Editon Card

EAN: 5053307071742
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 29,99 € / £30.00

Erscheint vsl. 10. Oktober 2024

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - New Signings Update Mega Multipack

Update Mega Multipack #1 – New Signings

Chance auf eine Energy Card in jedem 10. Update Mega Multipack (1:10)

  • 2 Booster Packs mit je 12 Cards
  • 1 Update Pack mit 17 Cards
    • 16 New Signings Update Cards
    • 1 New Signings Limited Edition Card

EAN: 5053307071667
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 11,99 € / £11.99

Erscheint vsl. 25. September 2024

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Scream Team Update Mega Multipack

Update Mega Multipack #2 – Scream Team

Chance auf eine Energy Card in jedem 10. Update Mega Multipack (1:10)

  • 2 Booster Packs mit je 12 Cards
  • 1 Update Pack mit 17 Cards
    • 16 Scream Team Update Cards
    • 1 Scream Team Limited Edition Card

EAN: 5053307071810
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 11,99 € / £11.99

Erscheint vsl. 16. Oktober 2024

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Snow Ballers Update Mega Multipack

Update Mega Multipack #3 – Snow Ballers

Chance auf eine Energy Card in jedem 10. Update Mega Multipack (1:10)

  • 2 Booster Packs mit je 12 Cards
  • 1 Update Pack mit 17 Cards
    • 16 Snow Ballers Update Cards
    • 1 Snow Ballers Limited Edition Card

EAN: 5053307071827
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 11,99 € / £11.99

Erscheint vsl. Mitte November 2024

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Star Ballers Update Mega Multipack

Update Mega Multipack #4 – Star Ballers

Chance auf eine Energy Card in jedem 10. Update Mega Multipack (1:10)

  • 2 Booster Packs mit je 12 Cards
  • 1 Update Pack mit 17 Cards
    • 16 Star Ballers Update Cards
    • 1 Star Ballers Limited Edition Card

EAN: 5053307071834
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 11,99 €

Erscheint vsl. Mitte Dezember 2024

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Queens of Europe Update Mega Multipack

Update Mega Multipack #5 – Queens of Europe

Chance auf eine Energy Card in jedem 10. Update Mega Multipack (1:10)

  • 2 Booster Packs mit je 12 Cards
  • 1 Update Pack mit 17 Cards
    • 16 Queens of Europe Update Cards
    • 1 Queens of Europe Limited Edition Card

EAN: 5053307071841
Unverb. Verkaufspreis: 11,99 €

Erscheint vsl. Anfang Januar 2025


Die nachfolgende Checkliste enthält alle bisher bekannten Cards der TOPPS UEFA Club Competitions Match Attax 2024/25 Kollektion. Alle mit einem * markierten Cards gibt es auch als 1st Edition Parallel Variante (exklusiv in den 1st Edition Multipacks zu finden)

Base & Special Cards

478 Cards (316 Base / 162 Special Cards) + 190 Extra Cards + 89 Limited Editions

Base Cards

316 Cards

  • Base Cards in Booster Packs (7.9:1 Packs)
    • Player Cards (316 Cards)

Special Cards

162 Cards

  • Foil Cards (62 Cards – 1.2:1 Packs)
    • Team Badges (32 Cards)
    • Captains (30 Cards)
  • Rainbow Foil Cards (63 Cards – 2:1 Packs)
    • 2023/24 UCL Winner (18 Cards)
    • MotM Signature Style (18 Cards)
    • Vintage Vibes Legends (18 Cards)
    • Trophy Triumph (9 Cards)
  • Heritage (27 Cards – 1:3 Packs)
  • 100 Club (9 Cards – 1:10 Packs)
  • Tactic Combo Card (1 Card – Starterpack excl.)


62 Cards

Crystal Parallels gibt es von allen Team Badge und Captain Cards

  • Crystal (1:4 Packs)

Extra Cards

190 Cards

  • Black Edge (9 Cards – 1:16 Packs)
  • Chrome Shield (18 Cards – 1:24 Packs)
  • Classic Celebration (5 Cards – Eco-Pack excl.)
  • Energy (5 Cards – Update Multip. excl.)
  • Festive Ed. Squad Zone (24 Cards – Countd. Cal. excl.)
  • Final Report (3 Cards – 1st Ed MP excl.)
  • Genration Now (5 Cards – Mega MP excl.)
  • Gold Edge Edition (9 Cards – 1:35 Packs)
  • Hall of Fame Chrome (5 Cards – 1:50 Packs)
  • Immortal Icons (9 Cards – 1st Ed MP excl.)
  • New Signings (16 Cards – Update Multip. excl.)
  • Queens of Europs (16 Cards – Update Multip. excl.)
  • Scream Team (16 Cards – Update Multip. excl.)
  • Snow Ballers (16 Cards – Update Multip. excl.)
  • Star Ballers (16 Cards – Update Multip. excl.)
  • Starburst Excl. Ed. (4 Cards – MotD Magazine excl.)
  • Title Card (1 Card – 1st Ed MP excl.)
  • UCL 2023/24 Team of the Season (12 Cards – 1st Edition Multipack excl.)
  • Ultimate Talent Chrome (1 Card – 1:500 Packs)
  • Ultimate Talent Chrome 180° (1 Card – 1:2,000 Packs)

Limited Editions

89 Cards

  • 1st Edition Gold Limited Editions (6 Cards)
  • Standard Limited Editions (28 Cards)
  • Blue Diamond Limited Editions (4 Cards)
  • Gold Rush Ultra Limited Editions (9 Cards)
  • Platinum Pull Limited Ed. (9 Cards – 1:30 Packs)
  • The Entertainers Limited Editions (12 Cards)
  • Time to Shine Limited Editions (16 Cards)
  • Update Limited Editions (5 Cards)


TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - 1st Edition Base Card Mattia Zaccagni
Aston Villa

1 Team Badge
2 Emiliano Martínez
3 Pau Torres
4 Ezri Konsa
5 Youri Tielemans
6 John McGinn – Captain
7 Moussa Diaby
8 Leon Bailey
9 Ollie Watkins

Manchester City FC

10 Team Badge
11 Ederson
12 Rúben Dias
13 Joško Gvardiol
14 John Stones *
15 Nathan Aké
16 Kyle Walker – Captain *
17 Manuel Akanji
18 Rodri
19 Mateo Kovačić
20 Kevin de Bruyne *
21 Jack Grealish *
22 Phil Foden
23 Bernardo Silva
24 Sávio
25 Jérémy Doku *
26 Julián Álvarez *
27 Erling Haaland

Arsenal FC

28 Team Badge
29 David Raya
30 Gabriel *
31 William Saliba
32 Jakub Kiwior
33 Ben White *
34 Jurriën Timber *
35 Takehiro Tomiyasu
36 Oleksandr Zinchenko
37 Jorginho
38 Declan Rice
39 Martin Ødegaard – Captain *
40 Bukayo Saka
41 Kai Havertz
42 Leandro Trossard *
43 Gabriel Martinelli *
44 Eddie Nketiah
45 Gabriel Jesus

Liverpool FC

46 Team Badge
47 Alisson Becker *
48 Virgil van Dijk – Captain
49 Joe Gomez
50 Ibrahima Konaté
51 Conor Bradley *
52 Trent Alexander-Arnold
53 Andy Robertson
54 Alexis Mac Allister
55 Curtis Jones *
56 Ryan Gravenberch
57 Dominik Szoboszlai *
58 Harvey Elliott
59 Mohamed Salah
60 Cody Gakpo *
61 Luis Díaz
62 Diogo Jota
63 Darwin Núñez

Tottenham Hotspur

64 Team Badge
65 Guglielmo Vicario
66 Pedro Porro
67 Micky van de Ven *
68 Cristian Romero
69 Destiny Udogie
70 Radu Drăgușin
71 Ben Davies
72 Pape Sarr
73 Yves Bissouma
74 Rodrigo Bentancur *
75 Pierre-Emile Højbjerg *
76 James Maddison *
77 Heung-Min Son – Captain
78 Brennan Johnson
79 Dejan Kulusevski
80 Timo Werner
81 Richarlison *

Chelsea FC

82 Team Badge
83 Đorđe Petrović
84 Axel Disadi
85 Benoît Badiashile
86 Levi Colwill
87 Marc Cucurella
88 Reece James – Captain
89 Ben Chilwell
90 Malo Gusto
91 Conor Gallagher
92 Enzo Fernández
93 Moisés Caicedo
94 Noni Madueke
95 Cole Palmer
96 Raheem Sterling
97 Mykhailo Mudryk
98 Christopher Nkunku
99 Nicolas Jackson

Manchester United

100 Team Badge
101 André Onana *
102 Lisandro Martínez *
103 Luke Shaw *
104 Mason Mount *
105 Bruno Fernandes – Captain
106 Alejandro Garnacho
107 Rasmus Højlund *
108 Marcus Rashford

Atle´tico de Madrid

109 Team Badge
110 Axel Witsel
111 José María Giménez
112 Nahuel Molina
113 Koke – Captain
114 Marcos Llorente
115 Rodrigo de Paul
116 Álvaro Morata
117 Antoine Griezmann

Real Madrid C.F.

118 Team Badge
119 Thibaut Courtois
120 Ferland Mendy
121 Antonio Rüdiger
122 David Alaba
123 Éder Militão
124 Daniel Carvajal
125 Aurélien Tchouameni
126 Eduardo Camavinga
127 Luka Modrić – Captain
128 Federico Valverde
129 Jude Bellingham
130 Brahim Díaz
131 Arda Güler
132 Endrick
133 Vini Jr.
134 Kylian Mbappé
135 Rodrygo

FC Barcelona

136 Team Badge *
137 Marc-André ter Stegen
138 Ronald Araújo
139 Andreas Christensen
140 Pau Cubarsi
141 Jules Koundé
142 Alejandro Balde
143 Sergi Roberto – Captain
144 İlkay Gündoğan
145 Frenkie de Jong
146 Pedri
147 Gavi
148 Fermín López
149 Lamine Yamal
150 Ferran Torres
151 Raphinha
152 Vitor Roque
153 Robert Lewandowski

Paris Saint-Germain

154 Team Badge *
155 Gianluigi Donnarumma
156 Lucas Beraldo
157 Milan Škriniar *
158 Marquinhos – Captain
159 Lucas Hernández
160 Achraf Hakimi
161 Nuno Mendes
162 Manuel Ugarte *
163 Warren Zaïre-Emery
164 Danilo *
165 Vitinha
166 Lee Kang-in *
167 Fabían Ruiz
168 Bradley Barcola *
169 Randal Kolo Muani
170 Ousmane Dembélé
171 Gonçalo Ramos

VfB Stuttgart

172 Team Badge *
173 Alexander Nübel *
174 Dan-Axel Zagadou
175 Julian Chabot
176 Josha Vagnoman
177 Angelo Stiller *
178 Enzo Millot *
179 Atakan Karazor
180 Chris Führich

Borussia Dortmund

181 Team Badge
182 Gregor Kobel
183 Nico Schlotterbeck
184 Niklas Süle
185 Emre Can – Captain
186 Marcel Sabitzer
187 Julian Brandt
188 Karim Adeyemi
189 Niclas Füllkrug

Bayer 04 Leverkusen

190 Team Badge
191 Lukas Hradecky – Captain
192 Jonathan Tah *
193 Edmond Tapsoba
194 Piero Hincapié
195 Odilon Kossounou
196 Jeremie Frimpong
197 Alejandro Grimaldo
198 Granit Xhaka *
199 Robert Andrich *
200 Exequiel Palacios
201 Jonas Hofmann
202 Florian Wirtz
203 Aleix García
204 Nathan Tella
205 Victor Boniface
206 Adam Hložek *
207 Patrik Schick

FC Bayern München

208 Team Badge
209 Manuel Neuer – Captain *
210 Matthijs de Ligt *
211 Dayot Upamecano
212 Minjae Kim
213 Eric Dier *
214 Alphonso Davies
215 Noussair Mazraoui
216 Joshua Kimmich
217 Leon Goretzka *
218 Aleksandar Pavlović
219 Kingsley Coman
220 Serge Gnabry *
221 Thomas Müller
222 Jamal Musiala
223 Leroy Sané
224 Mathys Tel *
225 Harry Kane

RB Leipzig

226 Team Badge
227 Péter Gulácsi
228 Willi Orban – Captain
229 Mohamed Simakan
230 Benjamin Henrichs
231 David Raum
232 Castello Lukeba
233 Lukas Klostermann
234 Eljif Elmas
235 Nicolas Seiwald
236 Amadou Haidara
237 Christoph Baumgartner
238 Kevin Kampl
239 Xaver Schlager
240 Dani Olmo
241 Yussuf Poulsen
242 Loïs Openda
243 Benjamin Šeško

Eintracht Frankfurt

244 Team Badge
245 Kevin Trapp – Captain
246 Willian Pacho
247 Robin Koch
248 Junior Dina Ebimbe
249 Mario Götze
250 Farès Chaïbi
251 Omar Marmoush
252 Hugo Ékitike

PSV Eindhoven

253 Team Badge
254 Walter Benítez
255 Olivier Boscagli
256 Jordan Teze
257 Joey Veerman
258 Guus Til
259 Johan Bakayoko
260 Malik Tillman
261 Luuk de Jong – Captain


262 Team Badge
263 Justin Bijlow
264 Gernot Trauner – Captain
265 Dávid Hancko *
266 Lutsharel Geertruida
267 Mats Wieffer *
268 Quinten Timber
269 Calvin Stengs *
270 Santiago Giménez

Sporting Clube de Portugal

271 Team Badge
272 Matheus Reis
273 Gonçalo Inácio
274 Sebastián Coates – Captain
275 Ousmane Diomande
276 Morten Hjulmand *
277 Pedro Gonçalves *
278 Marcus Edwards *
279 Viktor Gyökeres

Real Sociedad de Fútbol

280 Team Badge
281 Álex Remiro
282 Igor Zubeldia
283 Martín Zubimendi
284 Mikel Merino
285 Arsen Zakharyan
286 Mikel Oyarzabal – Captain
287 Brais Méndez
288 Takefusa Kubo

FC Porto

289 Team Badge
290 Diogo Costa
291 Wendell
292 João Mário
293 Nico González
294 Alan Varela
295 Pepê
296 Galeno
297 Evanilson

FC Internazionale Milano

298 Team Badge
299 Yann Sommer
300 Alessandro Bastoni
301 Benjamin Pavard
302 Federico Dimarco
303 Hakan Çalhanoğlu
304 Nicolò Barella
305 Marcus Thuram
306 Lautaro Martínez – Captain

AC Milan

307 Team Badge *
308 Mike Maignan
309 Fikayo Tomori *
310 Davide Calabria – Captain
311 Theo Hernández
312 Tijjani Reijnders
313 Ruben Loftus-Cheek
314 Christian Pulisic *
315 Rafael Leão


316 Team Badge
317 Michele di Gregorio
318 Danilo – Captain
319 Gleison Bremer *
320 Federico Gatti
321 Tiago Djaló
322 Andrea Cambiaso
323 Nicolò Fagioli
324 Weston McKennie
325 Filip Kostić
326 Timothy Weah
327 Fabio Miretti
328 Manuel Locatelli *
329 Douglas Luiz
330 Federico Chiesa
331 Kenan Yıldız *
332 Arkadiusz Milik
333 Dušan Vlahović

Bologna FC 1909

334 Team Badge
335 Łukasz Skorupski *
336 Jhon Lucumí
337 Sam Beukema *
338 Stefan Posch *
339 Giovanni Fabbian
340 Lewis Ferguson – Captain
341 Riccardo Orsolini *
342 Dan Ndoye

Atalanta B.C.

343 Team Badge
344 Marco Carnesecchi
345 Rafael Tolói – Captain
346 Giorgio Scalvini
347 Berat Djimsiti
348 Teun Koopmeiners
349 Charles de Ketelaere
350 Ademola Lookman
351 Gianluca Scamacca

Olympique Lyonnais

352 Team Badge
353 Anthony Lopes
354 Jake O’Brien
355 Nicolás Tagliafico
356 Maxence Caqueret
357 Corentin Tolisso
358 Rayan Cherki
359 Gift Orban
360 Alexandre Lacazette – Captain

SS Lazio

361 Team Badge
362 Ivan Provedel *
363 Adam Marusic
364 Alessio Romagnoli *
365 Manuel Lazzari
366 Mattéo Guendouzi *
367 Matías Vecino
368 Mattia Zaccagni *
369 Ciro Immobile – Captain *

Celtic FC

370 Team Badge
371 Benjamin Siegrist
372 Liam Scales
373 Alistair Johnston
374 Callum McGregor – Captain
375 Matt O’Riley
376 Daizen Maeda
377 Kyogo Furuhashi
378 Luis Palma

Rangers FC

379 Team Badge
380 Jack Butland
381 Connor Goldson
382 James Tavernier – Captain
383 Ridvan Yilmaz
384 Todd Cantwell
385 Danilo Pereira de Silva
386 Ross McCausland
387 Cyriel Dessers

FC Salzburg

388 Team Badge
389 Alexander Schlager
390 Amar Dedic
391 Strahinja Pavlović *
392 Lucas Gourna-Douath *
393 Maurits Kjærgaard
394 Luka Sučić
395 Oscar Gloukh
396 Karim Konaté *

Man of the Match Signature Style

18 Cards

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Man of the Match Signature Style Christian Pulisic

397 Rodri (Manchester City)*
398 Declan Rice (Arsenal)*
399 Luis Díaz (Liverpool)*
400 Moisés Caicedo (Chelsea FC)
401 Guglielmo Vicario (Tottenham Hotspur)
402 Frenkie de Jong (FC Barcelona)
403 Nico Schlotterbeck (Borussia Dortmund)*
404 Jeremie Frimpong (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
405 Dayot Upamecano (FC Bayern München)*
406 Xaver Schlager (RB Leipzig)
407 Joey Veerman (PSV Eindhoven)
408 Santiago Giménez (Feyenoord)*
409 Pedro Gonçalves (Sporting Clube de Portugal)*
410 Galeno (FC Porto)
411 Christian Pulisic (AC Milan)*
412 Dušan Vlahović (Juventus)
413 Lewis Ferguson (Bologna FC 1909)*
414 Luka Sučić (FC Salzburg)

Vintage Vibes Legends

18 Cards

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Vintage Vibes Legends Gary Linker

415 Tony Adams (Arsenal)*
416 Thierry Henry (Arsenal FC)
417 Eric Cantona (Manchester United)
418 Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United)
419 Gianfraco Zola (Chelsea FC)
420 Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona)*
421 Gary Lineker (FC Barcelona)*
422 Ronaldo (PSV Eindhoven)
423 Ashley Cole (Chelsa FC)
424 Ricardo Carvalho (FC Porto)
425 Deco (FC Porto)
426 Marco Materazzi (FC Internazionale Milano)
427 Fabio Cannavaro (FC Internazionale Milano)*
428 Zlatan Ibrahimović (AC Milan)*
429 Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus)*
430 Michael Ballack (Chelsea FC)
431 Giovanni van Bronckhorst (Rangers FC)*
432 Lúcio (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)

Trophy Triumph

9 Cards

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Trophy Triumph Fernando Torres

433 Erling Haaland (Manchester City)
434 Steven Gerrard (Liverpool FC)
435 Fernando Torres (Chelsea FC)
436 Marcus Rashford (Manchester United)
437 Vini Jr. (Real Madrid C.F.)
438 Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona)
439 Manuel Neuer (FC Bayern München)
440 Javier Zanetti (FC Internazionale Milano)
441 Kaká (AC Milan)


27 Cards (1:3 packs)

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Heritage Giorgio Scalvini

442 Rico Lewis (Manchester City)
443 Kai Havertz (Arsenal FC)
444 Harvey Elliott (Liverpool FC)
445 Destiny Udogie (Tottenham Hotspur)
446 Levi Colwill (Chelsea FC)
447 Ellyes Skhiri (Eintracht Frankfurt)
448 Fermín López (FC Barcelona)
449 Arda Güler (Real Madrid C.F.)
450 Bradley Barcola (Paris Saint-Germain)
451 Castello Lukeba (RB Leipzig)
452 Enzo Millot (VfB Stuttgart)
453 Karim Adeyemi (Borussia Dortmund)
454 Adam Hložek (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
455 Mathys Tel (FC Bayern München)
456 Dávid Hancko (Feyenoord)
457 Johan Bakayoko (PSV Eindhoven)
458 João Mário (FC Porto)
459 Gonçalo Inácio (Sporting Clube de Portugal)
460 Ander Barrenetxea (Real Sociedad de Fútbol)
461 Saïd Benrahma (Olympique Lyonnais)
462 Francesco Camarda (AC Milan)
463 Gustav Isaksen (SS Lazio)
464 Giovanni Fabbian (Bologna FC 1909)
465 Giorgio Scalvini (Atalanta B.C.)
466 Luis Palma (Celtic FC)
467 Ross McCausland (Rangers FC)
468 Karim Konaté (FC Salzburg)

100 Club

9 Cards (1:10 packs)

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - 100 Club Gregor Kobol

469 Gregor Kobel (Borussia Dortmund)
470 Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool FC)
471 Alejandro Grimaldo (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
472 William Saliba (Arsenal FC)
473 Florian Wirtz (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
474 Eduardo Camavinga (Real Madrid C.F.)
475 Phil Foden (Manchester City)
476 Kylian Mbappé (Real Madrid C.F.)
477 Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid C.F.) – Unbeatable 101

Black Edge Edition

9 Cards (1:16 packs)

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Black Edge Edition Vini Jr

BE1 Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool FC)
BE2 Marquinhos (Paris Saint-Germain)
BE3 İlkay Gündoğan (FC Barcelona)
BE4 Jorginho (Arsenal FC)
BE5 Vini Jr. (Real Madrid C.F.)
BE6 Erling Haaland (Manchester City)
BE7 Kylian Mbappé (Real Madrid C.F.)
BE8 Leroy Sané (FC Bayern München)
BE9 Mohamed Salah (Liverpool FC)

Chrome Shield

18 Cards (1:24 packs)

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Chrome Shield Dominik Soboszlai


  • Refractor – /99
  • Gold – /50
  • Orange – /25
  • Red – /5
  • SuperFractor – 1/1

SH1 Kevin de Bruyne (Manchester City)
SH2 Martin Ødegaard (Arsenal FC)
SH3 Dennis Bergkamp (Arsenal FC)
SH4 Dominik Szoboszlai (Liverpool FC)
SH5 Bruno Fernandes (Manchester United)
SH6 Kylian Mbappé (Real Madrid C.F.)
SH7 Davor Šuker (Real Madrid C.F.)
SH8 Viktor Gyökeres (Sporting Clube de Portugal)
SH9 Granit Xhaka (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
SH10 Jamal Musiala (FC Bayern München)
SH11 Harry Kane (FC Bayern München)
SH12 Loïs Openda (RB Leipzig)
SH13 Santiago Giménez (Feyenoord)
SH14 Vitinha (Paris Saint-Germain)
SH15 Dušan Vlahović (Juventus)
SH16 Rafael Leão (AC Milan)
SH17 Ciro Immobile (SS Lazio)
SH18 Strahinja Pavlović (FC Salzburg)

Classic Celebration

5 Cards – Eco-Pack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Classic Celebration James Maddison

CC1 James Maddison (Tottenham Hotspur)
CC2 Cole Palmer (Chelsea FC)
CC3 Marcus Rashford (Manchester United)
CC4 Jamal Musiala (FC Bayern München)
CC5 Lamine Yamal (FC Barcelona)


5 Cards – Update Mega Multipacks exclusive (1:10 Update Multipacks)

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Energy Aitana Bonmati

NSEN Kylian Mbappé (Real Madrid C.F.) – New Signings
QEEN Aitana Bonmati (FC Barcelona) – Queens of Europe
SBEN Federico Chiesa (Liverpool FC) – Snow Ballers
STBEN Erling Haaland (Manchester City) – Star Ballers
STEN Julían Alvarez (Atlético de Madrid) – Scream Team

Festive Edition Squad Zone

24 Cards – Countdown Calendar exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Squadzone Cristiano Ronaldo

SZ1 Oliver Kahn (FC Bayern München)
SZ2 William Saliba (Arsenal FC)
SZ3 Éder Militão (Real Madrid C.F.)
SZ4 Nico Schlotterbeck (Borussia Dortmund)
SZ5 Manuel Locatelli (Juventus)
SZ6 Joshua Kimmich (FC Bayern München)
SZ7 Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid C.F.)
SZ8 Pedri (FC Barcelona)
SZ9 Fernando Torres (Liverpool FC)
SZ10 Rafael Leão (AC Milan)
SZ11 Gareth Bale (Tottenham Hotspur)
SZ12 Lucas Digne (Aston Villa)
SZ13 Galeno (FC Porto)
SZ14 Juan Sebastián Veron (FC Internazionale Milano)
SZ15 Nicolas Jackson (Chelsea FC)
SZ16 Sergio Agüero (Manchester City)
SZ17 Alejandro Garnacho (Manchester United)
SZ18 Rayan Cherki (Olympique Lyonnais)
SZ19 Julián Álvarez (Manchester City)
SZ20 Deco (FC Barcelona)
SZ21 Zinédine Zidane (Juventus)
SZ22 Victor Boniface (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
SZ23 Randal Kolo Muani (Paris Saint-Germain)
SZ24 Claude Makélélé (Real Madrid C.F.)

Final Report

3 Cards – 1st Edition Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Final Report Atalanta B.C.

UCL FR Real Madrid C.F. – UCL Champions 2023/24
UEL FR Atalanta B.C. – UEL Champions 2023/24
UECL FR Olympiacos – UECL Champions 2023/24

Generation Now

5 Cards – Mega-Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Generation Now Pedri

GN1 Phil Foden (Manchester City)
GN2 Declan Rice (Arsenal FC)
GN3 Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid C.F.)
GN4 Pedri (FC Barcelona)
GN5 Rafael Leão (AC Milan)

Gold Edge Edition

9 Cards (1:35 packs)

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Gold Edge Edition Rafael Leao

GE1 Phil Foden (Manchester City)
GE2 Erling Haaland (Manchester City)
GE3 Bukayo Saka (Arsenal FC)
GE4 Mohamed Salah (Liverpool FC)
GE5 Jamal Musiala (FC Bayern München)
GE6 Harry Kane (FC Bayern München)
GE7 Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid C.F.)
GE8 Florian Wirtz (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
GE9 Rafael Leão (AC Milan)
GE10 Lionel Messi => Countdown Calendar exclusive

Hall of Fame Chrome

5 Cards (1:50 packs) – Display Box exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Hall of Fame Lionel Messi

HOF 1 Wayne Rooney (Manchester United)
HOF 2 Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid C.F.)
HOF 3 Zinédine Zidane (Real Madrid C.F.)
HOF 4 Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona)
HOF 5 Paolo Maldini (AC Milan)

Immortal Icons

9 Cards – 1st Edition Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Immortal Icon Granit Xhaka

II1 Rodri (Manchester City)
II2 William Saliba (Arsenal)
II3 Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool FC)
II4 Andy Robertson (Liverpool FC)
II5 Ronaldinho (FC Barcelona)
II6 Marquinhos (Paris Saint-Germain)
II7 Franck Ribéry (FC Bayern München)
II8 Granit Xhaka (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
II9 Javier Zanetti (FC Internazionale Milano)

New Signings

16 Cards – New Signings Update Mega Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - New Signings Georges Mikautadze

NS1 Ian Maatsen (Aston Villa)
NS2 Amadou Onana (Aston Villa)
NS3 Archie Gray (Tottenham Hotspur)
NS4 Joshua Zirkzee (Manchester United)
NS5 Hiroki Ito (FC Bayern München)
NS6 João Palhinha (FC Bayern München)
NS7 Michael Olise (FC Bayern München)
NS8 Piotr Zieliński (FC Internazionale Milano)
NS9 Mehdi Taremi (FC Internazionale Milano)
NS10 Álvaro Morata (AC Milan)
NS11 Juan Cabal (Juventus)
NS12 Khéphren Thuram (Juventus)
NS13 Nicolò Zaniolo (Atalanta B.C.)
NS14 Nuno Tavares (SS Lazio)
NS15 Moussa Niakhaté (Olympique Lyonnais)
NS16 Georges Mikautadze (Olympique Lyonnais)

Queens of Europe

16 Cards – Queens of Europe Update Mega Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Queens of Europe Alexandra Popp

QE1 Guro Reiten (Chelsea FC)
QE2 Mayra Ramírez (Chelsea FC)
QE3 Mariona Caldentey (Arsenal FC)
QE4 Alessia Russo (Arsenal FC)
QE5 Caitlin Foord (Arsenal FC)
QE6 Khadija Shaw (Manchester City)
QE7 Vivianne Miedema (Manchester City)
QE8 Caroline Graham Hansen (FC Barcelona)
QE9 Linda Caicedo (Real Madrid C.F.)
QE10 Wendie Renard (Olympique Lyonnais)
QE11 Lindsey Horan (Olympique Lyonnais)
QE12 Kadidiatou Diani (Olympique Lyonnais)
QE13 Lena Oberdorf (FC Bayern München)
QE14 Pernille Harder (FC Bayern München)
QE15 Alexandra Popp (VfL Wolfsburg)
QE16 Sofia Cantore (Juventus)

Scream Team

16 Cards – Scream Team Update Mega Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Scream Team Noussair Mazraoui

ST1 Riccardo Calafiori (Arsenal FC)
ST2 Dominic Solanke (Tottenham Hotspur)
ST3 Matthijs de Ligt (Manchester United)
ST4 Noussair Mazraoui (Manchester United)
ST5 Pedro Neto (Chelsea FC)
ST6 Robin Le Normand (Atlético de Madrid)
ST7 Luka Sucic (Real Sociedad de Fútbol)
ST8 Willian Pacho (Paris Saint-Germain)
ST9 João Neves (Paris Saint-Germain)
ST10 Martin Terrier (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
ST11 Xavi Simons (RB Leipzig)
ST12 Pascal Groß (Borussia Dortmund)
ST13 Serhou Guirassy (Borussia Dortmund)
ST14 Zeno Debast (Sporting Clube de Portugal)
ST15 Strahinja Pavlovic (AC Milan)
ST16 Mateo Retegui (Atalanta B.C.)

Snow Ballers

16 Cards – Snow Ballers Update Mega Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Snow Baller Antonio Nusa

SB1 İlkay Gündoğan (Manchester City)
SB2 Mikel Merino (Arsenal FC)
SB3 Manuel Ugarte (Manchester United)
SB4 Tosin Adarabioyo (Chelsea FC)
SB5 Jadon Sancho (Chelsea FC)
SB6 Conor Gallagher (Atlético de Madrid)
SB7 Deniz Undav (VfB Stuttgart)
SB8 Antonio Nusa (RB Leipzig)
SB9 Maximilian Beier (Borussia Dortmund)
SB10 Désiré Doué (Paris Saint-Germain)
SB11 Youssouf Fofana (AC Milan)
SB12 Tammy Abraham (AC Milan)
SB13 Teun Koopmeiners (Juventus)
SB14 Odilon Kossounou (Atalanta B.C.)
SB15 Matías Soulé (AS Roma)
SB16 Artem Dovbyk (AS Roma)

Star Ballers

16 Cards – Star Ballers Update Mega Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Star Baller William Saliba

STB1 William Saliba (Arsenal FC)
STB2 Luis Díaz (Liverpool FC)
STB3 Mohamed Salah (Liverpool FC)
STB4 Ollie Watkins (Aston Villa)
STB5 Vini Jr. (Real Madrid C.F.)
STB6 Endrick (Real Madrid C.F.)
STB7 Pedri (FC Barcelona)
STB8 Bradley Barcola (Paris Saint-Germain)
STB9 Florian Wirtz (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
STB10 Victor Boniface (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
STB11 Harry Kane (FC Bayern München)
STB12 Viktor Gyökeres (Sporting Clube de Portugal)
STB13 Nicolò Barella (FC Internazionale Milano)
STB14 Christian Pulisic (AC Milan)
STB15 Kenan Yıldız (Juventus)
STB16 Ademola Lookman (Atalanta B.C.)

Starburst Exclusive Editions

4 Cards – Match of the Day Magazine (#717) exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Starburst Lucy Bronze

STB1 Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid C.F.)
STB2 Bruno Fernandes (Manchester United)
STB3 Cole Palmer (Chelsea FC)
STB4 Lucy Bronze (Chelsea FC)

Tactic Combo Card

1 Card – Starterpack exclusive

T1 Tactic Combo Card

Title Card

1 Card – 1st Edition Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Title Card

TC1 Title Card

UCL 2023/24 Team of the Season

12 Cards – 1st Edition Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Player of the Season Vini Jr

TOTS1 Gregor Kobel (Borussia Dortmund)
TOTS2 Dani Carvajal (Real Madrid C.F.)
TOTS3 Antonio Rüdiger (Real Madrid C.F.)
TOTS4 Mats Hummels (Borussia Dortmund)
TOTS5 Ian Maatsen (Borussia Dortmund)
TOTS6 Marcel Sabitzer (Borussia Dortmund)
TOTS7 Vitinha (Paris Saint-Germain)
TOTS8 Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid C.F.)
TOTS9 Phil Foden (Manchester City)
TOTS10 Harry Kane (FC Bayern München)
TOTS11 Vini Jr. (Real Madrid C.F.)
POTS1 Vini Jr. (Real Madrid C.F.)

Ultimate Talent Chrome

2 Cards – Display Box exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Ultimate Talent Jude Bellingham

UTF-JB Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid C.F.)
UTB-JB Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid C.F.) – 180°


1st Edition Gold Limited Editions

6 Cards – 1st Edition Multipack exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - 1st Edtion Gold Limited Edition Card Jamal Musiala

LEFE1 Phil Foden (Manchester City)
LEFE2 Kai Havertz (Arsenal)
LEFE3 Harvey Elliott (Liverpool FC)
LEFE4 Ousmane Dembélé (Paris Saint-Germain)
LEFE5 Jamal Musiala (FC Bayern München)
LEFE6 Theo Hernández (AC Milan)

Standard Limited Editions

28 Cards

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - World Class Limited Edition Harry Kane

LE1 Harry Kane (FC Bayern München) – World Class
LE2 Warren Zaïre-Emery (Paris Saint-Germain) – World Class Wonderkid
LE3 Julián Álvarez (Manchester City)
LE4 William Saliba (Arsenal FC)
LE5 Alexis Mac Allister (Liverpool FC)
LE6 Remo Freuler (Bologna FC 1909)
LE7 Heung-Min Son (Tottenham Hotspur)
LE8 Enzo Fernández (Chelsea FC)
LE9 Kylian Mbappé (Real Madrid C.F.)
LE10 Vitor Roque (FC Barcelona)
LE11 Lutsharel Geertruida (Feyenoord)
LE12 Gianluigi Donnarumma (Paris Saint-Germain)
LE13 Niclas Füllkrug (Borussia Dortmund)
LE14 Patrik Schick (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
LE15 Minjae Kim (FC Bayern München)
LE16 Loïs Openda (RB Leipzig)
LE17 Omar Marmoush (Eintracht Frankfurt)
LE18 Luuk de Jong (PSV Eindhoven)
LE19 Evanilson (FC Porto)
LE20 Marcus Thuram (FC Internazionale Milano)
LE21 Ruben Loftus-Cheek (AC Milan)
LE22 Kenan Yıldız (Juventus)
LE23 Teun Koopmeiners (Atalanta B.C.)
LE24 Mattia Zaccagni (SS Lazio)
LE25 Cyriel Dessers (Rangers FC)
LE26 Matt O’Riley (Celtic FC)
LE27 Oscar Gloukh (FC Salzburg)
LE28 Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool FC) – Power Player

Blue Diamond Limited Editions

4 Cards – exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Blue Limited Edition Card Warren Zaire-Emery

BDLE1 Alejandro Garnacho (Manchester United)
BDLE2 Lamine Yamal (FC Barcelona)
BDLE3 Jamal Musiala (FC Bayern München)
BDLE4 Warren Zaïre-Emery (Paris Saint-Germain)

Gold Rush Ultra Limited Editions

9 Cards – nummeriert zu /100 – exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Gold Rush Ultra Limited Edition Card Heung-Min Son

GR1 Ollie Watkins (Aston Villa)
GR2 Heung-Min Son (Tottenham Hotspur)
GR3 Rasmus Højlund (Manchester United)
GR4 Randal Kolo Muani (Paris Saint-Germain)
GR5 Victor Boniface (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
GR6 Harry Kane (FC Bayern München)
GR7 Loïs Openda (RB Leipzig)
GR8 Viktor Gyökeres (Sporting Clube de Portugal)
GR9 Lautaro Martínez (FC Internazionale Milano)

Platinum Pull Limited Editions

9 Cards (1:30 packs)

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Platinum Pull Limited Edition Leon Bailey

LEPL1 Kevin de Bruyne (Manchester City)
LEPL2 Darwin Núñez (Liverpool FC)
LEPL3 Leon Bailey (Aston Villa)
LEPL4 Rodrygo (Real Madrid C.F.)
LEPL5 Rober Lewandowski (FC Barcelona)
LEPL6 Gonçalo Ramos (Paris Saint-Germain)
LEPL7 Leon Goretzka (FC Bayern München)
LEPL8 Nicolò Barella (FC Internazionale Milano)
LEPL9 Federico Chiesa (Juventus)

The Entertainers Limited Editions

12 Cards – Mini-Tin exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Magicians Limited Editions Florian Wirtz

ELE1 Phil Foden (Manchester City)
ELE2 Florian Wirtz (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
ELE3 Vini Jr. (Real Madrid C.F.)


ELE4 Kobbie Mainoo (Manchester United)
ELE5 Federico Chiesa (Juventus)
ELE6 Harry Kane (FC Bayern München)


ELE7 Alejandro Garnacho (Manchester United)
ELE8 Rodrygo (Real Madrid C.F.)
ELE9 Leroy Sané (FC Bayern München)


ELE10 Heung-Min Son (Tottenham Hotspur)
ELE11 Kevin De Bruyne (Manchester City)
ELE12 Hakan Çalhanoğlu (FC Internazionale Milano)

Time to Shine Limited Editions

16 Cards – Mega-Tins exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Time to Shine Limited Edition Arda Güler
Time to Shine Mega-Tin #1

TTS1 Bukayo Saka (Arsenal FC)
TTS2 Benjamin Šeško (RB Leipzig)
TTS3 Vitinha (Paris Saint-Germain)
TTS4 Santiago Giménez (Feyenoord)

Time to Shine Mega-Tin #2

TTS5 Cole Palmer (Chelsea FC)
TTS6 Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid C.F.)
TTS7 Alejandro Grimaldo (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
TTS8 Federico Dimarco (FC Internazionale Milano)

Time to Shine Mega-Tin #3

TTS9 Erling Haaland (Manchester City)
TTS10 Arda Güler (Real Madrid C.F.)
TTS11 Mathys Tel (FC Bayern München)
TTS12 Karim Adeyemi (Borussia Dortmund)

Time to Shine Mega-Tin #4

TTS13 Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool FC)
TTS14 Lamine Yamal (FC Barcelona)
TTS15 Theo Hernández (AC Milan)
TTS16 Viktor Gyökeres (Sporting Clube de Portugal)

Update Limited Editions

5 Cards – Update Mega Multipacks exclusive

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Scream Team Update Limited Edition Card Dani Olmo

NSLE1 Leny Yoro (Manchester United) – New Signings
QELE1 Georgia Stanway (FC Bayern München) – Queens of Europe
SBLE1 Raheem Sterling (Arsenal FC) – Snow Ballers
STBLE Lamine Yamal (FC Barcelona) – Star Ballers
STLE1 Dani Olmo (FC Barcelona) – Scream Team


31 Cards

Genuine Autograph Cards

25 Cards4,500 Cards insgesamt

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Autograph Card Harves Elliot


  • Mirror – /25
  • Rainbow – /10
  • Gold – 1/1

AC-AB Alejandro Balde (FC Barcelona)
AC-AD Alphonso Davies (FC Bayern München)
AC-AM Arkadiusz Milik (Juventus)
AC-AS Angelo Stiller (VfB Stuttgart)
AC-BB Bradley Barcola (Paris Saint-Germain)
AC-BD Ben Doak (Liverpool FC)
AC-BS Bernardo Silva (Manchester City)
AC-CDK Charles de Ketelaere (Atalanta B.C.)
AC-CP Cole Palmer (Chelsea FC)
AC-CR Cristian Romero (Tottenham Hotspur)
AC-DK Dejan Kulusevski (Tottenham Hotspur)
AC-DN Darwin Núñez (Liverpool FC)
AC-ET Edmond Tapsoba (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
AC-FD Federico Dimarco (FC Internazionale Milano)
AC-HE Harvey Elliot (Liverpool FC)
AC-LDJ Luuk de Jong (PSV Eindhoven)
AC-LO Loïs Openda (RB Leipzig)
AC-MA Manuel Akanji (Manchester City)
AC-MAS Marco Asensio (Paris Saint-Germain)
AC-MM Mike Maignan (AC Milan)
AC-NS Nico Schlotterbeck (Borussia Dortmund)
AC-RH Rasmus Højlund (Manchester United)
AC-RLC Ruben Loftus-Cheek (AC Milan)
AC-VB Victor Boniface (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
AC-VG Viktor Gyökeres (Sporting Clube de Portugal)

Genuine Autograph Combo Cards

5 Cards

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Genuine Combo Autograph Kevin de Bruyne / Jeremy Doku


  • Mirror – /25
  • Rainbow – /10
  • Gold – 1/1

ACC-AB Amine Adli / Victor Boniface (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
ACC-DBD Kevin de Bruyne / Jérémy Doku (Manchester City)
ACC-GC Pedro Gonçalves / Viktor Gyökeres (Sporting Clube de Portugal)
ACC-PD Benjamin Pavard / Federico Dimarco (FC Internazionale Milano)
ACC-SB Niklas Süle / Ramy Bensebaini (Borussia Dortmund)

Ultimate Talent 180° Genuine Autograph

1 Card

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Ultimate Talent Autograph Card Jude Bellingham

Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid C.F.) – /5


34 Cards

Jersey Relics

25 Cards (1:28 Mega Tins)

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - Jersey Relic Phil Foden

JR-AB Alejandro Balde (FC Barcelona)
JR-AR Andy Robertson (Liverpool FC)
JR-CMG Callum McGregor (Celtic FC)
JR-DA Daizen Maeda (Celtic FC)
JR-DS Dominik Szoboszlai (Liverpool FC)
JR-DU Dayot Upamecano (FC Bayern München)
JR-EC Eduardo Camavinga (Real Madrid C.F.)
JR-EH Erling Haaland (Manchester City)
JR-FC Federico Dimarco (FC Internazionale Milano)
JR-FM Fabio Miretti (Juventus)
JR-JB Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid C.F.)
JR-JG Jack Grealish (Manchester City)
JR-JK Jules Koundé (FC Barcelona)
JR-LS Luke Shaw (Manchester United)
JR-MA Marco Asensio (Paris Saint-Germain)
JR-MM Mike Maignan (AC Milan)
JR-MMO Mason Mount (Manchester United)
JR-MU Manuel Ugarte (Paris Saint-Germain)
JR-NO Noah Okafor (AC Milan)
JR-OTH Odin Thiago Holm (Celtic FC)
JR-PF Phil Foden (Manchester City)
JR-RLE Robert Lewandowski (FC Barcelona)
JR-RLE Rafael Leão (AC Milan)
JR-TM Thomas Müller (FC Bayern München)
JR-WMK Weston McKennie (Juventus)

UCL Champions Memento Relics

9 Cards (1:28 Booster oder Mega Tins)

TOPPS UEFA Club Competition Match Attax 2024/25 Trading Card Game - UCL Champion Memento Relic Samuel Eto'o

UCLC-DEC Deco (FC Porto)
UCLC-GB Gareth Bale (Real Madrid C.F.)
UCLC-KC Kingsley Coman (FC Bayern München)
UCLC-MAI Maicon (FC Internazionale Milano)
UCLC-RO Rodri (Manchester United)
UCLC-ROO Wayne Rooney (Manchester United)
UCLC-SE Samuel Eto’o (FC Barcelona)
UCLC-TC Thibaut Courtois (Real Madrid C.F.)
UCLC-VVD Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool FC)

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